RadarsFixes Guide d'installation pour Destinator

Logo Destinator

Select the countries you would like to have the speedcams from. Press after this on the button "download".

You will see the following screen:
download flitspaal bestand

Press now on open.

and select "Extract all Files"  (this is only possible on Windows XP or higher, For other systems to extract the files you can user the program winzip or the free program 7-Zip).

Extract Speedcam Data To destinator

Press next to go to the next step in the wizard.

In our example we use the standard Windowx XP unzipper.

Extract Speedcam Data To destinator Step 2

Select the folder to extract to. In this case d:\DestinatorPOI and press Next.

Extract Speedcam Data To destinator Step 3

The files are extracted press next to show them.

Select speedcam files

Copy the extracted files that contain the speedcam data.

Past the speedcam data to Destinator

Past the speedcam data to the directory \destinatorApps\Destinator\Userdata\Favorites\

Make sure the pocketPC device is connected so that you can install this on your device.

Now it is time to setup the Destinator Application so that we will be warned for speedcams.

Select Speedcam pois in MY Favorites

Go to My Favorites and select all the speedcam groups you would like to display.

Set the POIWarner for Speedcams in Destinator

Press the group and after this the Alerts button to set/adjust the warning distances.

Speedcams alert distance

Repeat this for every group you would like to be warned for.

Example of the Destinator map with speedcams

Here you can see the speedcams on the map.

Speedcam offer

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